Caroline Prince

Allow sliding glass wall expert, Caroline Prince, to explain how to optimize the homeowner's experience by creating seamless transitions of indoors and outdoor living.

Recent Posts

Perfect Your View with Frameless Sliding Glass Wall Systems

February 10, 2017

 One of the best ways to increase home value is to capitalize and improve access to your panoramic view. Some design choices may mask or overshadow your home’s view, while other choices can dramatically enhance the natural aesthetic. Take advantage of your outdoor view by integrating it as seamlessly as possible into the interior design of your home with frameless sliding glass wall systems. Use a “less is more” approach, to framing your picture perfect vista.

One of the best ways to increase home value is to capitalize and improve access to your panoramic view. Some design choices may mask or overshadow your home’s view, while other ...

A Homeowner’s Guide to Stylish and Practical Ways to Weatherproof Your Home

January 23, 2017

Weatherproofing doesn’t sound glamorous, but ‘practical’ and ‘stylish’ are not mutually exclusive! When you take the time to guard against the elements, it gives you a chance to learn more about your home. Most weatherproofing is intended to keep something outside, where it belongs. The combined cost you might save when you add up a house full of minor energy inefficiencies is motivation enough to do some weatherproofing.

Weatherproofing doesn’t sound glamorous, but ‘practical’ and ‘stylish’ are not mutually exclusive! When you take the time to guard against the elements, it gives you a chance to ...

Improve Your Commercial Floor Plan to Increase Efficiency

January 17, 2017

"Form follows function - that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union." - Frank Lloyd Wright. Could your commercial floor plan be partly responsible for ineffective office practices? Are you using every space in your corporate office plan efficiently? A survey conducted by IPSOS, a global research firm, unveils a direct relationship between an employee’s satisfaction with their working environment and the level of engagement they have with their work.

"Form follows function - that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union." - Frank Lloyd Wright. Could yo...

What is Low-E Technology?

January 13, 2017

What makes modern windows so incredibly energy efficient? A major contributor to the appeal of today’s latest glass technology is an innovation known as low emissivity. A surface with low thermal emissivity emits a very low level of radiant thermal energy, or as we common folk call it: heat.

What makes modern windows so incredibly energy efficient? A major contributor to the appeal of today’s latest glass technology is an innovation known as low emissivity.

4 Trends in Indoor Outdoor Transition Spaces

January 9, 2017

Transitional spaces are one of the latest trends emerging in home design. Creative home remodeling ideas involving low maintenance, high-value home renovations are increasingly popular with today’s homeowners. It truly is among the easiest to accomplish of today’s modernization trends.  That is why we determined several great home design elements that can improve the look and feel of your home, increase real estate value, and even improve your lifestyle while you’re living there!

Transitional spaces are one of the latest trends emerging in home design.